

პროექტის შესახებ

Thanks to technological developments, our lives have been changing very rapidly. What can we do to improve ourselves in technology and how can we avoid from the bad sides? In this project, we will give chance our students to experience some ICT tools and to think about the good and bad sides of technology.


*To improve communication and ict skills of our students.
*To encourage our students creativity.
*To improve colloboration between teams.
*To make students experience as many ICT tools and as they can.
*To make them aware of environmental problems.

სამუშაო პროცესი

1)Let’s meet. Presentation of teams.Chat and ice breaking activities.
2)Logo and Slogan competition.
3)eSafety activities.
4)Are we technology addicts? Interesting Facts on use of technology in our lives and in the World.
5)X-v-z Generations.
6)Teams up: Techno Teams will be created such as coding team, 3d printing team, augmented reality team and ect.
7)Teams work in international teams and do collaborative activities.
8)Can technology save the World?
9)Dissemination activities such as Presentation of the project to other students, surveys and ect.
10)Final product: Creating a website and e magazine
11)Feedback and goodbye activities.

მოსალოდნელი შედეგები

At the end of this project, students will have had chance to use different ICT tools mobile applications and develop their ICT skills.(Coding Augmented reality, steam ect)Our sts will also find chance to use the structures ,grammar, vocabulary they have learned throughout the school year. They will have had chance to use English in real situations with foreign teenagers. As a result of this they will have improved their communication skills, too.

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  სსიპ ქალაქ გორის #8 საჯარო სკოლაში განხორციელდა პროექტი eTwinning- ის ფარგლებში "გამოიკვლიე ტექნოლოგიების სამყარო". პროექტში აქტ...